domingo, 29 de julho de 2012


We Shamans, much like our "cousins", druids, are hybrids (as are paladins), which means that we can fill pretty much any role (off-tanking, but not tanking), but not as efficiently as an other class could. For example, Priests will still have higher heals and Mages will still leave us behind on dps meters. However, Enhancement Shamans have very good raid buffs, so that makes us very useful (and wanted) in raids.  

"Remember, not only one's dps matters"

(Frostwolf, Molten-WoW)

Table of content:
1. Leveling Spec
2. Talents
3. Abilities and Rotations.
4. Tips
5. Stats
6. Heirloom Gear
7. Totem Quests
8. Glyphs
9. Addons

1. Leveling Spec
The by far best (solo) leveling spec for Shaman is Enhancement. This is because it's the most mana efficient tree there is (all class-specs included), while it still maintains a high damage output. In fact, an Enhancement Shaman deals the most damage compared to the mana usage (with duel wield that is). This only counts after level 40 though. So before that, you might want to try ElementalElemental is our casting spec. With it, we boost our Lightning BoltChain LightningShocks and Totems.
I will write an Elemental leveling guide later on but it will take some time, so meanwhile; browsing at the Wowhead forums brought me a guide for elemental leveling. Read CanadianSnipers' Elemental Leveling Guide if you choose to level as Elemental. That guide can take you all the way to level 80.
If you want to level as Enhancement all the way, then read further. Otherwise... You can always pick this guide up from level 40 and get some gear from the Auction House(?). You can also start gathering "Enhancement gear" before you're level 40 though.

2. Talents

10 - 14Ancestral Knowledge - 5/5.
15 - 19Thundering Strikes - 5/5
20 - 20Shamanistic Focus - 1/1
21 - 22Improved Ghost Wolf - 2/2
23 - 24Elemental Weapons (only 2) - 2/3
25 - 29Flurry - 5/5
30 - 30Spirit Weapons - 1/1
31 - 33Mental Dexterity - 3/3
34 - 34Elemental Weapons - 3/3.
35 - 37Unleashed Rage - 3/3
38 - 39: Weapon Mastery (only 2) - 2/3
40 - 40Stormstrike - 1/1
41 - 41Dual Wield - 1/1
42 - 44Dual Wield Specialization - 3/3
45 - 45Lava Lash - 1/1
46 - 47Improved Stormstrike - 2/2
48 - 49Static Shock (only 2) - 2/3
50 - 50Shamanistic Rage - 1/1
51 - 51Static Shock - 3/3
52 - 54Mental Quickness - 3/3
55 - 59Maelstrom Weapon - 5/5
60 - 60Feral Spirit - 1/1
==> Elemental
61 - 65Concussion - 5/5
66 - 68Elemental Devastation - 3/3
69 - 70Elemental Warding (only 2) - 2/3
71 - 75Elemental Fury - 5/5
76 - 76Elemental Focus - 1/1
77 - 80Reverberation (only 4) - 4/5

3. Abilities and Rotations
Always take weapons with the highest min/max. damage range. These are usually slow weapons.
1 - 9:
Until you gain Earth Shock, simply spam Lightning Bolt.
- When you get Earth Shock, keep casting Lightning Bolt until your target is in melee range. Then start using Earth Shock and auto attack.
- Aways keep up Lightning Shield (it has 3 stacks).
- Enchant your weapon with Rockbiter.
- Use the best DPS weapon, be it a 1h + shield or 2H (the slow weapon part does not apply here, because we don't have Windfury yet) 

Rotation: Auto attack + Earth Shock. Pull with Lightning Bolt. Always keep up Lightning Shield.

10 - 19:
- Same as above but:
- Use Flametongue instead of Rockbiter.
- You might want to use a fast weapon, so that Flametongue hits more (which does more damage than it would on a slow weapon). 

Rotation: Lightning Bolt, until the mob is near you, then spam Earth Shock while auto attacking. Again, always keep up Lightning Shield.

20 - 29:
From now on, we will be using a method I like to call ‘Shield Twisting’. All you have to do is keep a balance between Lightning Shield and Water ShieldWater Shield gives mana, but more than what we need. Lightning Shield gives free damage when you are hit 

Rotation: Lightning Bolt, until the mob is near you, then spam Earth Shock while auto attacking.

30 - 39:
- Use the Windfury weapon enchant.
- Always take a 2H weapon with a speed of 3.0 or more.
- Don't forget the Shield Twisting method. 

Rotation: Pull with Lightning Bolt, then Auto attack + Earth Shock.

40 - 49:
Okay, so you've finally made it to level 40. Ready to rock? Because now we get our key abilities: Dual Wield, Stormstrike and Lava Lash. The fun can now begin!

Keep yourself  from dual wielding before level 44, because otherwise you will simply "miss" too much without the +hit talents.
- Keep Windfury on both weapons (after level 44). 

Rotation: Stormstrike > Earth Shock > Lava Lash > Shield Twist.

Note: Although I call this a rotation; you’ll notice that after a while, you’ll simply be using the first ability that pops up from the cooldown. That's why from now on you'll see "priority list" instead of "rotation".

50 - 75:
As explained above, you’ll now have a priority list rather than a rotation.

Use Shamanistic Rage when you're out of mana.
- Again, don’t forget the Shield Twisting method. 

Priority list: Stormstrike > Earth Shock > Lava Lash.

Whenever you have 4/5 or 5/5 Mealstrom Weapon, use Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning, (use Chain Lightning preferrably only on AoE). Try to have the Stormstrike debuff on the target before pulling this one out. You should try to this when there is a gap between your cooldowns.

75 - 80:

- Use Windfury weapon enchant on main hand and Flametongue on your off-hand. You should still take a slow off-hand, because  Stormstrike, Lava Lash and Windfury will still be used.
- Use Shamanistic Rage at 40% mana, or at least close to. Always use it when you’re about to start a fight, since it ‘procs’ from attacks, you’ll want to make the most of it every time you use it.
- Again, don’t forget the Shield Twisting method. 
Again, do a 5/5 Mealstrom Weapon when their is a gap between your cooldowns. 

Priority listStormstrike > Earthshock > Lava Lash.

5. Tips

- Use Earthliving if you know you are going to heal in an instance.
- Whenever you are at a boss fight, drop: Strenght of EarthFlametongue totemWindfury Totem and Healing/Mana stream totem.[/b]

- Just heal yourself with Lesser Healing Wave whenever you need to heal. Once you get Maelstrom Weapon, use that to get instant/short Healing Waves (or Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning)
- If you're multi-pulling, use Stoneclaw Totem to crowd control.
- You can also pop your Spirit Wolves to help with packs, since they can heal you.

The best options money wise are Skinning/Mining because they make lots of money on the Auction House. Skinning  also gives critical strike rating and mining gives extra stamina, which scales with buffs like Blessing of Kings. These bonuses are small and don't make almost any difference in end-game, so these professions are completely option.

6. Stats
In the following order: Stamina > Agility >Intellect > ManaPer5Sec > Strength.

1. Stamina: Increases your maximum amount of health.
2. Agility Increases your amount of Attack Power and adds to your Critical strike chance.
3. Intellect: Increases your maximum amount of mana. It also adds to your spell critical strike chance. - Pretty much needed for everything and even increases your attack power thanks to the talent, Mental Dexterity.
4. Mana Per 5 Seconds: You won't see this a lot until Outland, but Water Shield gives this as well. It basically gives you a certain amount of mana every five seconds. But since patch 3.0 the mana gained from it flows in very smoothly. The the term "MP/5" is still used however.
5. Strength: Increases your Attack Power. - Since Shamans started gaining Attack Power from Agility and Intellect as well, this stat has become more or less useless. Let's just say that this stat is not a bad stat to take, but you should definitively aim for the ones above instead.

7. Heirloom Gear.

"Heirlooms bind to the account, as opposed to an individual character. This means they can be mailed to any character that shares the same account and server, including those of opposing faction."
For more information about Heirloom items, go to: [STRONGLY suggested]

VPs -> Vote Points

Champion Herod's Shoulder - Shoulder -> 50VPs

Here I will show some gear you can pick up while leveling, although this guide is aimed at solo gameplay, going to an instance or two isn't a bad idea.
Weapons & Shield's
Combinations have the same color, and are under each other.
10 - 20:
20 - 30:
30 - 40:
    Lvl 37 - 2H - Ravager Lvl 35 - 1H - Mallet of Zul'FarrakNote: you can get this weapon at level 35, but this thing is very powerful. It can last 'till Outland. Imo, this weapon is a good choice you won't regret - Thanks to Lycander for letting me know about this weapon.
40 - 50, you can Dual Wield now.
50 - 60:
For more items, use

8. Totem Quests

Call of Earth.
Call of Fire
Call of Water
Call of Air
The air totem quest for Orcs/Trolls
The air totem quest for Taurens
If you by accident accept the quest that teleports you to the top of a mountain, don't be afraid; just jump off the wooden plank and you will get teleported back to the quest giver!
The air totem quest for Draenei's

9. Glyphs

Click here for a full list of Shaman glyphs.

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